Yellow flowers make me smile - they are so summery and sunshiny. :-)
Homework makes me depressed - it is always there, never ending. And I didn't do hardly anything tonight, so tomorrow I will be behind, but I'm not sure I actually care.
Sappy movies like "Elevator Girl" makes me smile - *Guilty avoiding hw grin*
Psychology makes me depressed - it's stupid, weird, annoying, and I know I'm going to fail cause I won't remember the stuff for the exam.
Chocolate makes me smile - especially white chocolate!
Never getting to read "fun" books makes me depressed - especially after I already had one started, and now won't be able to finish probably till summer.
The amazing homemade hot spice tea mix Bee sent me makes me smile - it is like heaven in a cup it is THAT good!! :-)
My Besties going through hard times makes me worried - I love you girls like nuts!
Yellow flowers make me really really happy - just sayin'! ;-)
But you have such a beautiful big, yellow flower on your blog! You can't be depressed looking at it! Doesn't it just seem to beam at you?
Very true!! Hehe! It DOES seem to beam out sunshine!!! I get happier each time I look at it!!! :OD Especially with the BEAUTIFUL blue sky behind it!! Blue summer skies and Bright yellow sunflowers match better than anything I know!! Hehehe!! :OD
I would send you yellow daffodils, and then you would be positively FLOODED with sunshine!!
Turn that frown upside down, dear!! *hugs* I'm cheering for you!!
Awww!!! Thank you Cathy!!! <3 I shall imagine many Daffodils from you!!! <3 <3
*Hugs back* Thank you!! You def. help turn my frown around!!! <3
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