Friday, September 6, 2013



Patience is the fourth fruit of the spirit coming after love, joy, and peace. It’s definitely a hard lesson and one that we are learning a lot about right now. Pretty much everything right now is requiring us to have patience and trust.

We have over 200 kids who need sponsors – most of them have old or no shoes, torn, dirty clothing, and maybe 2 meals a day (one of them very small).

We need patience as we work to find sponsors for these amazing children who we want to have provided for already.

We have a babies home to start – we need bunk beds for the kids and the carpenter is taking forever – we can’t start without the bunk beds. We need sponsors for our babies. We need a stable house.

We need patience as we work to get the bunk beds made and sponsors for the children who will, Lord willing, be living with us. We need patience as we seek God’s will in our housing situation.

We have a well that we want to drill – it will help SO many people and in the future our school.

We need patience as we work to find who can drill the well for the best price and what kind of well we need.

We need a car so we can do more work in the village and transport sick children to and from the clinic as well as food for sponsored children.

We need patience as we work to fundraise for that and trust that God will send us the perfect car.

We have hundreds and hundreds of children who need an education and who we want to build a school for to give them a hope and a future.

We need patience as we try to fundraise for this dream. This huge dream.

Patience is hard, patience is tough, patience is a struggle. Learning patience can make you crazy.

But through it all God has a plan. Through it all we trust God. Through it all we know without a doubt that this is a dream from God and He will provide. We don’t always understand His timing, but we know that it’s perfect. We know that He’s teaching us and loving those kids.

Yesu Asobola – JESUS IS ABLE!


Kate Spranzman said...

Patience is difficult, because we want it RIGHT NOW! haha. So blessed and encouraged by your faith through this all. He will provide :-) Jesus IS Able!

A Joyful Heart said...

Wow, it sounds like you have been busy! Will be praying for you and for the work you all are doing. Did you get my last letter? Would love to hear back from you!!